Contact Us


We're not so big that you'll get one of those automated answering services. For every phone number listed, chances are that you will talk to a real human being [hooray!]. The downside is that sometimes those people are away and you will have to either leave a message or try ringing again later. Please try again, we will answer your call or email as quickly as possible.

 By the way, here's directions of how to get to us

Whom to contact


To enquire about church membership, believers’ baptism, Child Dedications, funerals, weddings, joining the prayer team, or setting up and leading a new Home Group, program or Community Outreach event, contact Malcolm Ward mob: 0427 202 807 or [email protected]


For enquiries about Youth Group or youth group related events,contact [email protected]

Naringal Occasional Day Care

To arrange a personal tour, receive information or to make a booking for Occasional Day Care, contact [email protected]

Volunteer Roster

To volunteer to help with Sunday services -  welcoming, reading the Bible, praying the Pastoral Prayer, preparing or serving Communion, collecting the Offering, bringing food for Morning Tea, helping in the kitchen, serving coffee, setting up luncheons or preparing special Kids Alive morning teas, contact [email protected]


For enquiries about providing photos and/or information for the website, contact [email protected]


To enquire about Deacon’s Reports or raise an administration issue for deacons to discuss, contact [email protected]


To register to participate in a Lifekeys program, join the Performing Arts team, enquire about events on the church calendar, add information to the noticeboard, receive a Welcome Booklet and name tag, or to offer to help with printing newsletters and booklets, contact [email protected]


To receive the newsletter each week, contribute content to an upcoming newsletter, contact [email protected]


For confirmation of on-line payments, enquiries or donations to the building fund, or any other financial enquiries, contact [email protected]

OH&S and Duty of Care

To join our group booking for Safe Church Awareness Workshop on May 27th 2017 at Port Campbell Baptist Church, OH&S policies, Incident Report Forms, Evacuation procedures or to join the list of qualified First Aiders, contact [email protected]


For enquiries about missions or missionary support, mission trips, current and upcoming art displays, Naringal Art Group, the walking group, kitchen duties or food safety, contact [email protected]


For enquiries about building security, joining the security roster, the key register or lock-up procedures, contact [email protected]


To volunteer to help with garden maintenance, Woodcutters’ Day, other community works, working bees or to report any maintenance issues, contact [email protected]


Enquiries about, or contributing to, our Facebook page, contact [email protected]


For all multi-media enquiries and to submit media items for Sunday services,contact [email protected]

Pastoral Care

To enquire about pastoral care, communicate pastoral care needs or to join the Pastoral Care team or prayer chain, contact [email protected]